Private Sessions

Private sessions are available for those who have started creating a SoulCollage® deck or wish to have guidance in other creative endeavors. As you work consistently with your visual imagery, you will find that it acts as a spiritual compass, giving you a more refined sense of direction and clarity in your day-to-day life.

Sessions are conducted over the phone or via Skype, and sessions can be an hour or more in length. Although you may utilize this time in any way you like, a couple of options are presented below for your consideration.

SoulCollage® Card – Readings

As a seasoned SoulCollage® facilitator, I am trained to guide you through the experience of reading your card(s) using a specific series of questions. In the course of your reading I will play the roles of facilitator, witness, and scribe. As facilitator, I will ask questions, encourage and generally assist you in your process. The answers to all questions, however, are generated within you and your deep well of intuitive wisdom. And since each card represents a unique aspect of your self, the intention is to consult with and listen to the perspective of each of these inner parts. Afterwards, we will look at them together to see what they have to say to you as a group. As scribe, I will help you stay in your intuitive mode by writing down your words as you speak. Upon completion, I will read your words back to you, in the role of impartial witness. Hearing your own words mirrored back to you is an extremely powerful way to end a session. An email follow-up of your reading will be sent to you after our meeting.

Creativity Coach

I’m available in the capacity of creative coach to help you dive deeper into your artistic endeavors. A professional artist for over 30 years, I work in a wide range of creative mediums and am happy to help you bring an emerging idea to fruition. We can brainstorm an idea you have and explore art techniques to capture the essence of that idea. You can send me digital images of your collage cards, journal pages, or paintings as you work on them, ask questions or practice dialoguing with them in my presence. Whatever creative assistance you are looking for, let me know and I’ll assist you with all the artistic resources I have in my extensive “toolkit”.

Feel free to contact me for more information or to schedule a session.